Sunday, December 29, 2019

9 ways you should use emotional intelligence at work

9 ways you should use emotional intelligence at work9 ways you should use emotional intelligence at workA persons emotional intelligence at work is only as strong as their last conversation, according toJen Shirkani, an EQ expert and speaker. Shirkani breaks up emotional intelligence using the Three R method, which explains emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, read others and your environment, and respond appropriately given the company and situation.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBased on thebehaviors of people with high EQs, heres how to use emotional intelligence at work in order to be successful.Using emotional intelligence at work as a leaderShutterstockLeaders, whether youre the CEO or an individual team manager, must use emotional intelligence at work every single day. While you may not interact with every person in the office each day, the company attitude begins with you.If I want an engaged employee then its important that I am therefore an emotionally engaging leader, Shirkani said.Leaders also need to be aware that they are following the chain of command in the office. Though you may feel that you have earned the right to ask any employee to complete a task, skipping the team manager by going straight to a specific employee could make that leader feel out of the loop, unimportant and frustrated. Basically, leaders need to be aware of the impact that their behavior is having on those around them every step of the way.Using emotional intelligence while leading a meetingShutterstockIf youre leading the meeting, you have to have a very keen eye on reading the room, Shirkani said.For example, the leader should be able to read the body language of attendees and identify if they need to take actions to gain back attention. In addition to keeping focus, the leader should also make sure that more outspoken e mployees arent dominating the meeting.While its great to have a lively discussion, the leader should make sure that each attendee has the opportunity to speak, including those thatthat are more introverted.Using emotional intelligence while attending a meetingShutterstockThe meeting coordinator isnt the only person who has to worry about emotional intelligence in the conference room. In fact, its just as important for an attendee to use it as well.Shirkani remembers a time when she welches in a meeting with a small group of leaders and one woman, who was completely engaged, didnt speak during the entire hour-long discussion.I thought, she runs the risk of not being included in the future because she hasnt contributed anything, Shirkani said. She didnt add any value to the meeting.Even shy employees need to step out of their comfort zone and recognize situations that call for the need to speak up.Using emotional intelligence during a performance reviewShutterstockEmotionally intellig ent people have a solid view of themselves, which includes having a deep understanding of what comes naturally to them and what doesnt. An emotionally intelligent person welcomes suggestions and ignores unhelpful negative comments. Instead of harping on a piece of criticism from your superior, you should use it to better yourself.To prepare for a formal review, Shirkani suggests thinking of the worst criticism that you could receive and imagine how you would react to it. If you picture yourself growing upset or angry, try having a friend give you the piece of feedback and think of a composed, thoughtful response. As always, remember to breathe and stay calm.Using emotional intelligence after receiving feedbackShutterstockUnfortunately for the thick-skinned, using emotional intelligence with performance reviews doesnt immediately stop when the meeting is over.You cant just be good at getting feedback, you have to actually do something with it in order to get credit for it, Shirkani s aid. Taking action is a crucial part of using emotional intelligence at work because it involves being self-aware and having the ability to adapt.Using emotional intelligence while networkingShutterstockNetworking events can be intimidating spaces for introverts, but they are important opportunities for professionals to advance their careers. Emotional intelligence is extremely important during these events because it will allow introverts to step out of their comfort zone and interact with others despite their discomfort.Social interactions arent only difficult for introverts, according to Shirkani. Extroverts should use emotional intelligence in these instances to make sure that they are not completely controlling a conversation. At network events, extroverts may need to tone it down and allow introverts to come to them when they feel comfortable.Using emotional intelligence at work as a hiring managerShutterstockThe most proactive time to use emotional intelligence at work is whe n youre hiring a new employee. While one of the goals of developing EQ is coachability, hiring someone who is receptive to feedback is much smarter than starting with an emotional intelligence newbie.We can teach it, we can coach it, but if I can hire it. .. Im way ahead of the game, Shirkani said.Hiring emotional intelligence may be easy for an EQ guru, but not everyone knows how to test these skills. Shirkani recommends asking one question to test the three emotional intelligence pillars self-awareness, social awareness, and self-control. The question is, Have you ever unintentionally offended or upset somebody? And describe the details for me.If the candidate struggles to find an answer to this question, he or she most likely dont have strong emotional intelligence skills. This question tests that the person has the self-awareness know when his or her behavior has a negative impact on another person. The answer will also help you see if the interviewee has the social skills to ad mit and work through mistakes.Using emotional intelligence as a candidate during an interviewShutterstockSelf-awareness is the key component of using emotional intelligence during an interview. By having a full understanding of your strengths, youll be able to easily articulate them to the hiring manager. Another use of self-awareness is that it allows you to flip the script and interview the hiring manager.Its a good idea to ask about the persons managing style in order to see if it fits what you need as an employee.Using emotional intelligence as a new hireShutterstockNew hires usually enter a job motivated to make a splash in the company, but Shirkani warns them not to be overzealous. Before we start spouting off what we did at our old company, its important that were really observing for a while and figuring out what the rules are, what the norm is and what the culture is like, Shirkani said.A new employee should use emotional intelligence to ease into suggesting changes as not to overwhelm or upset anyone.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How To Learn From A Bad Interview

How To Learn From A Bad InterviewHow To Learn From A Bad Interview The interview component of your job search can be the most stressful part of the process. It can be an intense and anxiety-inducing time because it feels like your future depends on this moment. Sometimes, you can be uber-prepared and confident going into an interview, and yet, once its done, you can feel that somewhere, somehow it went horribly wrong. However, its possible that you can learn from this experience. Here are five important takeawaysGet yourself to a coffee shop right after your interview. Sit down, grab your notebook and pen, and begin documenting your experience. Start with your feelings and thoughts post-interview. How did you feel when you entered the office, during the interview, and when it was over? Can you pinpoint when you abfluged feeling something was wrong? Was there an obvious turning point in the interview where you knew you screwed up?Next, document all the questions that were asked. Think about your answers that you were unhappy with. This is a great approach if you are just starting your interview process. If there were questions you were unprepared for , now youll know for next time.Finally, be brutally honest with yourself about your feelings towards the position and company. What was your mindset like going into the room? Were you truly interested in the job? Did you get enough sleep the night before? Being honest with yourself helps you to accept your responsibility in the process and give you insight into how to do better next time.Seek out people you can trust. Share your job interview experience with them and landsee what they think. Perhaps they have a different perspective they can offer you that you never considered and give you honest feedback.Despite how you think the interview went, dont skip this step. If you made a blunder (like calling the interviewer by the wrong name, not asking any questions or spilling your glass of water) , take advantage of the thank-you note to recover from your mistake and provide clarification if you can. This may even be the opportunity to ask for another chanceWhat did you do well during this particular interview? Think of the things you did leading up to and during the interview that you can be proud of. Write them down. And always remember The fact that you got an interview is an accomplishment in and of itself.Resiliency is key at this stage. Dont beat yourself up. There are so many factors that influence an interview that are beyond your control, so dont go down a path of despair and self-doubt. Be extra gentle with yourself. Take the time to feel the disappointment, process what happened, mull it over, complain to your friends - then transition yourself into accepting what happened so you can let that interview go, and look forward to the next one, armed with everything you have learned through the process. Just like Nat King Cole says, Pick yourself up, dust yourself o ff, start all over again.This article originally appeared on The Well , Jopwells digital magazine.The Well is the digital magazine of Jopwell, the career advancement platform for Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American professionals and students. Subscribe to receive weekly stories and advice in your inbox.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

Tips for Writing Letters of RecommendationTips for Writing Letters of RecommendationAlmost everyone is asked to write a reference letter at some time during his or her career. Whether its for an employee, a friend, or someone youve worked with, it is important to be prepared to write aneffective letter of recommendation.Its equally important to be ready to say no if youre not comfortable recommending someone for employment. Read below for tips on how to respond to a recommendation request, and how to write a strong letter of recommendation. When You Have Nothing Positive to Say Its actually in the rolles best interest for you to politely decline writing a reference letter if you cant provide more than a wishy-washy endorsement. A less than positive reference can cause as much harm as a negative reference. Employers are usually good at reading between the lines and will pick up on what youre not saying. If you decline, the part can move on to another reference who may be able to p rovide a glowing recommendation. A simple way out is to say that you are not familiar enough with their work or background to provide a reference. That way you can minimize any potential hurt feelings. Hereshow to decline a request for a reference. Request Information If youre thrilled to be asked, but not sure what to say, ask the part for a copy of their resume and a list of accomplishments. This will give you guidelines to use when composing a letter. If you are writing a letter of recommendation for a student applying for a job or internship, you might also ask for a list of their related coursework. Ask for information on what the recommendation is for. If it is for a specific job, ask for the job listing. If it is for a school, ask about the type of program they are applying to. This will help you focus your letter on skills and qualities related to the position or school. Also be sure to ask the person who you should submit the letter to, and how to send it. Some letters must be sent in hard copy, and others are sent via email, so it is important to follow directions carefully. Start With the Basics Start by stating how long youve known the person. Briefly provide details on how you know the person (for example, if the person worked for you, if you are neighbors if the person was your student, etc.).Also, include any relevant dates if he or she was an employee, include dates of employment. If he or she was a student, state when. Include Details Continue by describing the persons skills and performance, and what makes them an ideal candidate for a potential new employer. Include two or three outstanding attributes, and try to provide an example of a time the person displayed these attributes. Try to select attributes that connect to the position he or she is applying for. If possible, look at the job listing ahead of time, or ask the person what kinds of jobs he or she is applying to. Look at the job description (or search online for job lis tings for the type of job the person is applying for). Look for qualities included in the job description that remind you of the person youre writing the recommendation for. End by summarizing why you are recommending this person for employment. Offer to Follow Up At the end of the letter, you may also want to provide a phone number or email address. This way, employers can follow up if they have questions or want more information. Heres a list of information that should be included in a recommendation letter, and a letter of recommendation template to use to start your own letter. Be Professional Be sure to thoroughly read and proofread your letter before sending it, looking for any grammar or spelling errors. Consider asking a friend or family member to edit your letter for you. Write your letter in proper business letter format. Select a clear, easy-to-read font like Times New Roman or Arial. Follow Instructions Submit your letter exactly as the person asks you to. If they do not tell you how to send the letter (or to whom to send the letter), ask. If youre sending an email reference, list your contact information after your typed signature rather than at the top of the pgae. Review an Example Your NameYour Title (for a professional reference)Your AddressYour City, StateZip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateContact NameTitleCompanyNameAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms. LastnameJanice DeAngeles has been one of my most accomplished students in the biology department at Huntington College. She earned all As in my courses. During her senior year, she worked for me as an assistant in my freshman-level biology labs. Janice is mature, thoughtful, and well-spoken.I was most impressed by how Janice handled situations that came up in the late sessions. Students often have trouble paying attention and staying focused, but she always found ways to engage with them and get them interested in the tasks at hand.Janice will excel at whatever career she ch ooses, and it is an honor to recommend her for the internship position. If you have any questions or wish to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555, and my email is,Handwritten Signature (for a hard copy letter)Typed Signature Expand

Sunday, December 15, 2019

4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team Players - The Muse

4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team Players - The Muse4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team PlayersRemember back when you were in school, and your teacher would announce that a new group project was being assigned? If your classrooms were anything like mine, you recall hearing a collective groan echo from chalkboard to chalkboard.Confession time I was probably the one groaning and complaining the loudest. But, it was likely for a different reason than fruchtwein of my classmates. My peers were disheartened to hear that even more work was being tossed on their plates. Me? I wasnt so upset about the new assignment. Rather, I was more discouraged that I was going to have to work in a group, when Id honestly rather just do the entire thing myself. That probably makes me sound like a pretty terrible person, and an even worse colleague- I get that. But, it doesnt change the facts Im a total control freak. I feel this undeniable urge to have the final say on every last detail- no matter h ow small.Theres only one problem This approach simply isnt maintainable (or advisable, really) in a work environment. When you need to effectively collaborate and communicate with your co-workers, behaving like this really gets in the way.As much as I love being in charge, I dont want to become known as that teammate whos a total steamroller. So, needless to say, throughout my years Ive managed to identify a few strategies thatve allowed me to loosen the reins and transform myself into a little more of a team player.Give these four tips a try, and youre sure to improve the way you work with your co-workers (even if your inner control freak is screaming all the while). 1. Recognize Your WeaknessesIf youre thinking that this seems like an incredibly discouraging first point, I cant blame you. However, taking some time to identify those things that you arent so great at can be incredibly helpful in relaxing your grip on every last piece of a project.When you crave control, its your nat ure to want to handle everything- regardless of whether or not youre the best one for the job. As bad as it sounds, youd rather have it within your own grasp than have to trust someone else to get it done.This is why recognizing your weaknesses can be so effective Youll have a much easier time delegating or releasing those things that you already know arent your forte. Theres no greater sense of comfort than knowing that spreadsheet is in the hands of your offices resident Excel whiz or that the pickiest proofreader in your entire company is taking the final look through that report.Identifying your own weaknesses does something equally important at the saatkorn time It highlights your teams strengths. By figuring out those pieces you arent well-equipped to handle yourself, youll find natural openings where others can easily step in, fill those gaps, and contribute to the project (without you spiraling into a panic). 2. Be Open and HonestTheres nothing worse than a control freak who repeatedly chants, Im not a control freak Listen, you like to be in charge- and, sometimes theres nothing wrong with that. But, refusing to own up to your true colors wont do you any favors. In fact, it will likely just irritate your team even more.The best thing you can do? Own up to the fact that you like to take charge right from the get-go. Doing so will boot that big, pink elephant out of the room right away, and nip those hushed whispers and annoyed remarks from your co-workers in the bud.However, simply admitting that you can be on the pushier side isnt quite enough. Take this piece of advice one step further by enlisting an accountability partner on your team. You should explicitly instruct this person to give you a heads up and pull you back down to earth when youre crossing the line from organized to obsessive. Having him or her keep you in check when you start to get a little too demanding will save you from snowballing into a full-on dictator. 3. Discuss, Dont DemandIf you asked two different people to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Im willing to bet they both wouldnt go about it the same way. Maybe one would slather peanut butter on one slice of bread, and then jelly directly on top of it. Perhaps the other would coat one slice in peanut butter, the other in jelly, and then smoosh them together.This isnt a lecture on the art of sandwich making (and- lets face it- it is an art), but the point is this Even though those people had two very different ways of making their classic PBJ, they still ended up with the same sandwich.Theres more than one way to do anything. That doesnt necessarily mean that one method is right and the other is wrong- theyre simply different. And, unfortunately, that ideology is much too easy to lose sight of when youre gritting your teeth at the thought of not maintaining every ounce of control by doing things your way. So, before storming in with your my way or the highway approach, make sure that you zip your lips and take some time to listen. You should even ask questions, rather than doling out strict demands and instructions. You might be surprised by the thoughtful ideas and suggestions that come to the surface. No, this might not come easily when youre a natural-born control freak. But, as the old adage goes, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. 4. Find Helpful Ways to ControlAlright, just because you cant clear everybody else out of the way and charge full steam ahead on your own doesnt mean you cant be responsible for anything. You are definitely still entitled to contribute to the project or objective with your thoughts and your efforts. Nobodys saying that being a team player means being completely hands off. The key here is to channel your my way or the highway tendencies into things that your team will actually appreciate. Perhaps thats by creating a detailed timeline for the entire project. Or, maybe youre the best one to lead your regular team meetings to get status updates. Theres a big difference between keeping everybody on track and keeping everybody under your thumb- and there are definitely times you can grab the reins and provide direction, without coming off as unbearably bossy. Find some different things that would actually help your team and put those on your own plate. Youll be a valuable team member, while still satisfying that inner control freak.Ill be the first to admit that I love being in charge, and that can often make it difficult for me to be perceived as a true team player. Luckily, these four tips have helped me to squelch my control freak tendencies (at least a little bit) and be an all-around better collaborator. Give them a try for yourself- Im sure your teammates will appreciate it Photo of co-workers courtesy of Portra Images/Getty Images.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Demise of Accomplishments for Resume

The Demise of Accomplishments for Resume You should bedrngnis use the expression accountable for on a resume as it can never truly sound to be an achievement. When compiling your list, you might not know which achievements to put on a resume, or you could not find out how to best present your achievements in a means thats simple for a possible employer to digest. If youre not certain how to begin listing achievements for a resume, do just a little brainstorming. Some achievements or accomplishments could possibly be too personal. It is insufficient to gather your roles and obligations in your resume. You require tocustomize your resume for each work application and therefore dont simply incorporate the accomplishments that you think are definitely the most impressive. Its alright to include resume accomplishments from different elements of your life that are related to the job that you are applying for. Organizing your time is just as important. What You Dont Know About Accomplishments for Resume Theres nobody right approach to structure a resume. You are still going to have to consider an assortment of tips that are essential when writing your resume. The particular time period of your accomplishments is not something youve got to include, but should youve done something amazing prior to a deadline, then you ought to include it, Gelbard explained. Additionally, how you phrase your accomplishments and which ones that you emphasize will be dependent on the job for which youre applying. Its vital to make distinctions in your resume. All you accomplishment however small they may seem ought to be included. It is crucial to point out that team-support achievement has to be accompanied by that individuals capacity to attain different sales and customer-service goals consistently. Effectively communicating achievements will boost your credibility for a teacher. The War Against Accomplishments for Resume Duties permit the hiring manager to gauge the reach of your role while accomplishments go a step further to illustrate your capability to finish a given task. Sometimes you must answer your response to your abilities. Relevant interpersonal skills would be convenient. There are a few key skills you ought to have on your resume. The New Angle On Accomplishments for Resume Just Released Highlight your organization analysis accomplishments and help it become crystal clear that youre qualified for the varieties of BA jobs to which youre applying. Make sure you analyze the work description carefully and choose keywords that it is possible to relate to you accomplishments. Well, if you tailor your resume to coordinate with your job description, youll have identified and added the right search phrases to your resume. You have to analyze the work description well. When you are confident in the outcome, youre prepared to move on to the Education Section. You may also understand the Work Resumes. Preparing a well-written scholarship application is frequently a challenging course of action. Accomplishments dont have to be monumental to be able to demonstrate an employer how you may add value on your resume. You ought to take the next three steps to start. Maybe youll only have to make a couple of word changes or perhaps you have to move entire blocks of the resume to a different section. If youre getting stuck in identifying your accomplishments, consider using the P-A-R process. The very first step is to choose the sort of resume that you prefer to create, and the way it will incorporate your prior experience, job history and strong points, while reflecting the demands of the jobs applied for. At this point you have a list of accomplishments which are related to the position. Your resume enables you to describe your very best accomplishments so employers wish to have a gunst der stunde on you. The term accomplishments may be more inclusive than you might imagine. Many also believe that i ts really hard to come across certain accomplishments in their industry. Many job seekers make the error of listing job duties and duties over achievements. Your summary section is probably the very first thing a hiring manager will read, which means you need to be certain that its the ideal portion of your resume. Even when you arent searching for a job and are only starting a medical billing business, obtaining a good resume is still important. The upcoming resumes are for men and women that are still researching on a topic whilst pursuing their jobs which could facilitate their research and several more.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Manufacturing Job Resume Writing Service and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Manufacturing Job Resume Writing tafelgeschirr and Why You Must Take Action Today Demand for manufacturing engineers is anticipated to go up. Conclusion If youre seeking a work status in the manufacturing business, it is crucial to present a well written and compelling resume to raise the success of your application. A manufacturing job can consist of several different types of positions, which range from management or to just production work. So you would like a job for a manufacturing engineer. Details of Manufacturing Job Resume Writing Service In addition, your educational level and the subject matter dont influence the caliber of the paper in the slightest. Well, its quite tricky for the majority of people to spot their own writing mistakes. If youve been considering changing careers or going back to school, nows the ideal time to begin. You can be far more specific whilst presenting your work experience. Also, it is going to dire ct you in preparing your resume to acquire the desired job position. You should have at least eight decades of experience to take the essential four-hour exam. In the event you or your friends want new job opportunities, Randstad is here to provide help Now, consider the skills shown in the work description. So if you would like an essay producing support that will ensue that you are pleased with each individual bit of creating you receive, then youll only want ProCustomWriting. Besides needing all the simple info, formatting a resume can be exceedingly tricky. Ideal custom writing service youll be able to rely on. If youre searching for completely free downloadable resume templates, look no more. Your satisfaction is guaranteed as you get to employ an aerospace resume writer to receive just what you desire. Our service, for example, only hires the top writers in the area. The writers of our resume services ansprechbar know that its important to compose a career profile t hats tailored to the kind of positions which youre seeking. Canada is the best country on the planet essay. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Manufacturing Job Resume Writing Service Is Wrong 8 business analyst resume secrets you must know. How to compose a very best website to obtain a research paper resume by staff. For instance, you can say used 3D printing technology, Or you are able to say implemented the usage of 3D technology leading to a 14% reduction in downtime. Lets start with a few fundamentals.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Resume Vocabulary Explained

Resume Vocabulary Explained There are lots of things to take into consideration when sorting out resume samples and landseeking to determine which ones to use. There are various things you may quantify. Relying on what type of job which youre searching for, you should have varying wants. Though most mathematical and computational work is automatic, it is necessary that the underwriter understands the models utilized in assessing risks, to be able to select the most suitable one. Whatever the case, theres a perfect structure that satisfies your requirements. In the event of any problems make sure that you alter the initial planning in such a manner that the client perceives no delays. A flawless complexion is at times the consequence of careful medical procedures. Our genau scanner is presently scanning around 1 million words each week. Dont use technical vocabulary, unless youre sure that the reader will understand it. Writing If youre good with words dont be scared to s how it. Power words are used for a number of factors. Utilizing power words is the secret to success, but it isnt the conclusion of the resume-writing story. The absolute most powerful words are verbs. Resume Vocabulary Features As the role does not have any formal educational requirement besides short term courses, its a potential alternative for high school dropouts or for individuals with only a high school diploma. What employers and hiring managers wish to understand is what specific kinds of equipment youre in a position to operate. Your purpose is to make your achievements stand out so that your upcoming employer or hiring manger can readily locate them. Clearly state what type of a job that you need and know what skill-set and experience is required to succeed in that job. Otherwise, dont hesitate to drop the date because its no longer relevant. There arent any formal education requirements, though a high school diploma is not uncommon for most applicants. On occa sion the work required is really necessary and theres nobody there to do it, occasionally it is a test from management to see whether you fit in the business on the very long term. If your title is the exact same at two unique companies it starts to build credibility that you could do the job, especially if the work title is exactly like the one in the work description. Life, Death, and Resume Vocabulary Its also important to concentrate on skills youll use if you have the job which youre applying for. Driving Skills As a taxi driver your top skill ought to be steering a car, typically a vehicle or van about town in a manner thats safe, fast and comfortable for passengers. A training specialist has to be resourceful and a genuine master of what it is that they teach, otherwise it would not be possible to explain and disseminate information. Completion rate he is expected to highlight not only the absolute number of trainees that attended their courses, but the percentage of p eople who were able to complete the program and successfully use what they have learned. The Resume Vocabulary Cover Up Generally, it is a great rule of thumb to read the organization description or the About us page on their site and go from that point. The schablones are designed in such a manner that the questions asked by the template will aid them in offering the perfect answers in the most suitable spaces. To look for similar photo its possible to go to Resume page. To look for similar picture youll be able to go to Template page. Dont forget showing that you presently familiar with the role for the particular market and inform your talent which will enable you to and the enterprise to thrive. Give simple reassurances that youre in a position to be an important member of the loans team. The target of your resume is to secure you the interview. Daily duties could also consist of administrative tasks, but if youre aiming for such a position bear in mind that networking is involved, ever since your purpose is to make people conscious of the efforts conducted by your employer. Want to Know More About Resume Vocabulary? Showing the skill level for every one of the necessary tools is a means to stick out from the crowd. List the programs you are able to use and attempt to include exclusive software, if any. Include the tools youve got experience with. All our resume templates are in Microsoft Word, thats the simplest program to use.

Monday, November 25, 2019

New study explains why youre bad at reading peoples faces

New study explains why youre bad at reading peoples facesNew study explains why youre bad at reading peoples facesWhy does it look like your coworkers are always mad at you? If you have trouble interpreting your colleagues resting neutral face, science now says that the answer may have more to do with your childhood upbringing than your coworkers facial expressions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The dos and donts of shadowing someone at work

The dos and donts of shadowing someone at workThe dos and donts of shadowing someone at workWhether youre an intern shadowing an employee for the day, or a full-time employee shadowing another as part of an internal team switch,there are things you should strive for and others that you should avoid at all costs. Heres what to keep in mind when someone is teaching you how to do their job.Work around their scheduleRemember, the person youre shadowing is taking time out of their day(s) to show you the ropes. So be flexible about scheduling, and let them give you a time that works best for them so that they can show you what they do in great detail.Theres a big difference between being clear about when you can meet and taking the other persons schedule into consideration, and just being pushy about when you have time to step away from your desk.Dont act like you somehow have all the answersBe humble. Youre shadowing them because you want to learn something new.Sauntering over to your col leagues department, chucking your phone on their desk, and acting like an office know-it-allare the wrong things to do. Chances are, theyre busy- they dont have time to decipher your immature facial expressions and body language.Do this instead walk over, introduce yourself with a solid handshake, settle in and get ready to take a ton of notes during your shadowing session.Be discreet, yet curious, as you watch them workThis is also part of being humble. Disrupting the status quo even more in another department by being loud or unruly is koranvers to rub nearby colleagues the wrong way, and make a terrible first impression.So instead of using every time your colleague looks away from you as an opportunity to check all the notifications on your phone- yes, I know its tempting- practice active listening.But that doesnt mean you shouldnt ask any questions. Just dontrepeatedly cut them off mid-sentence when theyre giving you instructions. Wait until theyve finished speaking to chime in with your observations or to ask for clarification.Dont forget to send them a thank you noteWhether its a kind, brief email or a handwritten thank you card, sending the persona short thank you note is a good way to show them that youre thankful for their time.So, do the right thing - send them a kind message with a few quick points that you learned during your time shadowing them, and keep the doors of communication open for the future.After all, failing to follow up after shadowing a colleague probably wont do you any favors.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

4 Signs Its Time to Re-Think Your Job Search Strategy

4 Signs It’s Time to Re-Think Your Job Search Strategy 4 Signs It’s Time to Re-Think Your Job Search Strategy Have the feeling that your job search strategy could stand a few tweaks (or maybe even a substantial overhaul)? When you spot any of the following scenarios, consider them possible red flags worthy of investigation. Here are four signs that it’s time to re-think your job search strategy: 1. You’re not getting any responses. Silence is actually a loud shout-out that something in your hunt needs adjusting. Perhaps you haven’t been putting much effort into tailoring cover letters to specific positions (or haven’t been composing them at all). Maybe your resume doesn’t grab the attention of hiring managers because it lacks action verbs and quantifiable examples of your accomplishments. Thoughtfully examining your material, preferably with help from another set of trusted eyes, may make a huge difference. Another culprit could be relying too much on Internet job boards. As noted by Megan Walls of Walls Career Coaching, “By only applying online, you limit your chances of getting a job. Its estimated that 85% of jobs are filled through networking. So, devote a good portion of your job search to contacting your network, such as family, friends, classmates, past employers, and LinkedIn connections.” Consider too if you might need to up your efforts. “It is time to rethink your strategy when you are looking for a full-time job with a part-time job search,” says Duncan Mathison, co-author of Unlock the Hidden Job Market. “And dont confuse time spent worrying or waiting to hear back from an employer as ‘search time.’ Track your actual time in your job search.” 2. You’re having trouble finding “good” jobs for which to apply. Congrats on being specific about what you want and not wasting time applying for any old thing. Now make sure you’re looking in the right places and reaching out appropriately. “If you have targeted employers, you should apply directly to the website, through networking contacts, or even suspected managers in the functional area of your job,” Mathison says. “Trade and professional associations often have job boards. If you still draw a blank, your professional network may be able to give you insight on any hiring activity.” 3. Recruiters are reaching out with irrelevant jobs. Hearing from a recruiter can be flattering, but it does no good when the opportunity presented bears little resemblance to what you desire. Evaluate your resume to ensure clear objectives and eye-catching examples that support candidacy for the type of position you want. And if you haven’t visited your LinkedIn profile lately, be sure what’s there accurately reflects your current career aspirations. 4. You get interviews but not offers. Perhaps the most frustrating of all situations is when employers do call you in but fail to offer a job. Though it can be difficult to decipher the reasons behind their decision, re-thinking your interview preparation and presentation is necessary when rejection keeps happening. Considerations include: Are you dressing appropriately? Have you done your homework on the company and the industry? Are you smiling and using other positive body language? (Videotaping a mock interview with a friend can be revealing.) Have you prepared a list of thoughtful questions? Are you ready to answer standard questions, including ones about weaknesses? Are your references enthusiastic about presenting you in the best possible light? As Mathison succinctly points out, “Interviews are hard won. Bring your best game.” Know someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- you’ll get a month free service and they’ll get 30% off!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Favorite Law Dramas Past and Present

Favorite Law Dramas Past and Present Favorite Law Dramas Past and Present Have you ever wondered why so many people say that lawyers on television are not realistic representations of the profession? Legal series are so popular, but why? Television shows about the law are common- they range from light-hearted fares like Drop Dead Diva and Ally McBeal to deeper dramas like Law and Order and How to Get Away with Murder. If there is one thing that is true across the board, though, it is this- although the shows are popular and entertaining, lawyers argue that the legal field is often misrepresented on television. Taken from a variety of lists, here are eight of the most popular legal television series, past, and present, and what they get wrong- and right. Law and Order (all versions) Law and Order does a good job of showing the connection between the police (the people who catch the criminals) and the district attorneys (the people who put the criminals in jail). However, that seems to be about all it gets right. The show is extremely entertaining, but it is misleading in several ways. First, most criminals on Law and Order end up confessing to the crime in some way or another- confessions are not very common, and lawyers usually have to work with a lot less when they’re trying to get convictions to stick. It also really speeds up the criminal justice process- viewers get to see the happy ending (i.e., the conviction) at the end of an hour-long episode, but that is not realistic at all. Law is not a fast-paced field in the slightest, and it often takes years for lawyers to end up in court to either prosecute or defend their clients. As a whole, Law and Order show the system from start to finish, but it does so in a way that is meant to entertain viewers rather than accurately portray the legal process. Suits The funny thing about Suits is that the whole premise is based on an impossible situation- one of two main characters, Mike Ross, does not hold a law degree, yet is practicing law. Sure, he’s brilliant and takes the LSAT for fun (and for extra money), but he and his colleagues are committing a sea of ethical violations to keep the secret about his past. It is usually where lawyers draw the line with Suits- as entertaining as it is, there is no way that someone who doesn’t hold a law degree would be working for a BigLaw firm as an associate without having to show some credentials, not to mention passing the bar exam. Aside from the main premise not appealing to many lawyers, the show does portray many aspects of BigLaw correctly- the late nights, the paper pushing, and big money, among other things. It doesn’t quite convey the extent to which young associates do not get to do the exciting parts of the job (basically anything that isn’t research), but it does better than some other shows in that regard. The Good Wife Dramatic license is expected when it comes to television shows, but the writers take a lot of extra in The Good Wife. The show started with a woman who had to silently stand by her husband as he admitted to cheating on her with a prostitute, and now shows Alicia Florrick as a partner in her law firm- a pretty dramatic improvement! What generally annoys lawyers who watch the show are the antics- there is rarely last-minute evidence brought forth in court, and the cases on the show are decided much faster than any case would ever be in the real world. It should be noted, though, that The Good Wife has several lawyers on staff, so they do try to get the facts straight when they are writing the episodes. And the show does a very good job at portraying politics, which is often related to the law on television. How to Get Away With Murder If you were to ask lawyers if they would want to watch a show about law school students; it’s almost certain that they would say, “absolutely not.” Why? Because the typical law school student is boring- he or she would spend most days in class or studying. That is not so in How to Get Away with Murder. In the show, a group of 1Ls (First Year Law Students) gets a prestigious internship with Annalise Keating, a renowned defense attorney who also teaches at their fictional law school. While the cases are pretty dramatic, they at least all fall within Keating’s wheelhouse- criminal defense. The rest of the show is far-fetched. Aside from the fact that 1Ls are taking a Criminal Law 101 course (which is likely the combination of several other courses that most law students take later in their careers), they are also discussing Annalise’s current cases in class. That would never happen. Plus, the ABA has a rule that 1Ls can’t work more than a certain number of hours each week, and these students are certainly working above the threshold. As entertaining as the show is, it seems to get more wrong than right when it comes to the law. Drop Dead Diva For many people- both lawyers and television watchers alike- Drop Dead Diva probably didn’t register much on the scale of good to bad when it comes to legal shows. However, the main character is a lawyer, and the law is integral to many of the plots. The premise is unique- vapid model dies on the same day as a quiet lawyer with a big heart, and the vapid model must continue life in the body of the quiet lawyer. Most of the legal plots are flimsy at best, and the dramatics can be a bit much. The show as a whole, however, is entertaining and heartwarming, and it fairly accurately shows the politics that occur in BigLaw firms, along with the bumpy path to potential partnership. JAG The show JAG had the unique angle of being about the lawyers of the armed forces. While creator Donald P. Bellisario (a former Marine) strived for accuracy when creating his military legal drama, some lawyers believe that the show doesn’t quite hit all the points necessary to be completely accurate in a legal sense. One thing that the show did get right, however, was changing the way that lawyers are perceived in popular culture. Before JAG came around, lawyers were often portrayed as nerdy and bookish. The JAG lawyers, however, were more “macho” and dispelled the belief that strength was the opposite of any skills a lawyer would have. Ally McBeal In many ways, Ally McBeal was never really a legal show- it was a show about sex and love and life in the late 1990s. However, Ally was a lawyer working at a very quirky law firm, and for that reason, she makes this list. While the cases that Ally works on are largely unknown to audiences (since the show was really about her, not about her caseload), there were other parts of her character that was very well known- her wardrobe and her mostly sunny disposition, to name two. As far as whether or not Ally McBeal holds up into the twenty-first century, it’s pretty easy to say that her clothing choices do not. It may not be right, but female lawyers are still told what they can and cannot wear while practicing law, and Ally’s short skirts would not make the cut. LA Law In many ways, LA Law was the original legal drama that spurred young people to enter the legal field. Many lawyers list LA Law as their favorite legal drama that was ever on television. Why? When it premiered in the late 1980s, LA Law revolutionized how lawyers were portrayed in popular culture. They were suddenly seen as people who have difficult jobs but who are also complex characters. LA Law is credited with causing an unprecedented number of students to apply to law school, and even though the show glamorized some aspects of being a lawyer, it got quite a bit of it right, as well. It is not an exhaustive list of television shows featuring lawyers as main characters, but it is a good starting point to consider what popular culture gets right and wrong when putting a legal show on television. In many cases, the characters are well developed, but the legal plotlines are simplified, glorified, and made to seem more exciting than they would be in life outside of the television. Are they entertaining? Sure- and plenty of lawyers watch each of them. They just aren’t as legally accurate as they could be, for the sake of that entertainment!

Monday, November 18, 2019

The dynamic Foster sisters on how to survive working with a sibling

The dynamic Foster sisters on how to survive working with a sibling The dynamic Foster sisters on how to survive working with a sibling Erin and Sara Foster are Hollywood royalty. The sisters are close friends (partly through their parents’ various marriages) with some of your favorite people to read and gossip about including The Kardashians, Kate Hudson, The Jenners, Nicole Richie, and Courtney Cox to name a few. In other words, they are well connected.But if you think they have relied on their connections (their father is famous music producer David Foster) to build their careers which include writing and producing (the totally underrated VH1 series Barely Famous and the upcoming show Daddy Issues), fashion collaborations, and in 2017,  they were appointed as Heads of Creative for Bumble.Though most people associate Bumble, started by Whitney Wolfe Herd, with dating, the business networking side, Bumble Bizz, has taken on quite a successful life of its own. Bumble Bizz lets women highlight their professional skills, portfolios and accomplishments and network with worthy connections all from their phone. But just like the dating side of the app, women have to message first.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Last year, Bumble launched Bumble Fund  to invest in women founders who are often largely ignored by the venture capital establishment. With  startups led and founded by women receiving only  2%  of all venture capital last year, the women-first network saw a clear need to try to elevate these entrepreneurs.  Bumble also held its second annual  Female Film Force competition this spring which  gives grants to five different female filmmakers in France, Germany, the UK, and Ireland to create short films. So, yeah, it’s not just a dating app.Ladders caught up with the sisters at an event celebrating the launch of a collaboration between Bumble and  Cointreau. The partnership was inspired by the drive for people to make more connections in unique and different ways. The upcoming Mar garita Monday events, which will be held in cities all over the country on Monday nights feature a cocktail-making class where a Cointreau brand ambassador leads Bumble matches in making The Original Margarita together.“It was inspired by a shared passion for creating extraordinary moments and bringing people together to build genuine connections. We wanted to create an opportunity for matches on the app to engage in real life â€" not just to have drinks or dinner, but to bond over mixing up Margaritas, which we personally love to do!” the Fosters told Ladders.They shared more on  their careers, working together, and all things Bumble.On their roles at Bumble“We’re so passionate about Bumble’s mission. We love being creative and thinking of ways we can incorporate it into everything: from dinners and panels to TV shows and partnerships with other women-led companies.”On working with a sibling (the highs and lows)Erin: “We’ll get into an argument and  Sara  will slam the door and storm out. 20 minutes later, she’ll text me and say, ‘Are you coming over for dinner with the kids?’ and I’m like, ‘Yes, I’m on my way!’ Similar to any other siblings, we definitely have our moments but at the end of the day, we’re each other’s best friends and biggest supporters.”On the best advice, Whitney Wolfe has given them” ‘[Whitney told us] Anything can turn into something with passion and hard work.’ Whitney believed in her idea from the start, even when people told her that launching Bumble was ‘too risky.’ Watching her makes us better. She’s so humble but she’s also such a boss.”On new Bumble initiatives“Bumble has so many things coming down the pipeline! As you previously saw, we recently partnered with Cointreau to transform routine Mondays into extraordinary ones with Margarita Monday events. We just hosted the inaugural event in New York City, and Bumble is currently in the midst of planning similar events in Los Ange les, Austin, and Chicago throughout the month of June.“In addition to the Margarita Monday events, we know that there will be a number of additional events that will be happening in cities around the world throughout the course of the summer, whether it’s having a presence at a Pride event or hosting a fun happy hour Bumble BFF bar tab. We understand the importance of taking relationships from the app into real life, and we’re constantly looking for ways to create engaging environments where our users can connect with someone they’ve met on Bumble Date, BFF or Bizz.”On staying motivated“The feeling we get when we come up with an idea, develop it, and watch it in action. We never get tired of that feeling.”On their morning routinesSara: “I always like to check my emails before my kids wake up.”Erin: “I put my phone on silent and turn it over while I tackle work emails in the afternoon. It’s very easy to be distracted and if you’re responding to a text every fe w minutes you’ll never get through the work you need to get done.”On strange jobs they’ve hadErin: “I worked at a comfort shoe store when I was 15. Putting comfort shoes on old people … let’s just say I didn’t peak in high school.”Sara: “Playing a corpse on a TV show in a body bag.”You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

10 Tips to Write a Better Cover Letter

10 Tips to Write a Better Cover Letter 10 Tips to Write a Better Cover Letter The good news is  there are specific, concrete tips you can follow  to write cover letters that will get you hired. Here are some  of the most important pointers to know: 1. Write a New Letter for Each Position This sounds incredibly daunting, but it is necessary if you want to prove to hiring managers youre invested in the role. If you push out the same old cover letter to every  company, employers will be able to tell. Writing a new letter doesnt mean starting from scratch every time. Reuse  phrases and paragraphs from previous cover letters that are relevant to the role youre applying for, but be sure each letter is tailored to the specific position and business. One great tip is to outline the letter first, as it will speed up the whole writing process. 2. Use the SBO Format SBO  stands for situation, behavior, outcome. This is a great  strategy for answering questions during interviews, but it can be equally effective in cover letters. Start by describing a situation youve experienced that is pertinent to the position youre applying for â€" e.g., a time you disagreed with a coworker about a project. Then, explain the behavior you used to fix the problem â€" e.g., talk about how you listened to your coworkers concerns and blended your ideas with theirs for the good of the project. Finally, explain how your behavior directly influenced the outcome of the situation â€" e.g., by collaborating with your coworker, you were able to generate higher profits with the project. 3. Be Confident in Your Abilities You dont have to be arrogant to know what youre good at. Dont lead sentences with I believe or I think. Employers want you to be sure of yourself. 4. Keep It to a Page in Length Like your resume, your cover letter should be no longer than a page. While its tempting to include as much information as possible to convince the company to hire you,  a  shorter cover letter will better keep  the readers attention. They dont need to know every single detail of your work history, just the relevant ones. 5. Dont Repeat Your Resume If a hiring manager is reading your cover letter,  its because  your resume has already  grabbed their attention.  They  dont need to reread it in paragraph form. Its fine to talk about experiences that are included in your resume, but if you do, be sure to expand on them. Write less about the duties you performed and more about the ways you exceeded expectations or thought outside the box. 6. Display Your Personality Anyone can look good on paper. Job seekers forget that companies dont just want someone with skills â€" they want someone who will also fit in with the team. If your cover letter sounds like  every other  applicants cover letter, the  employer wont  be able to see the person behind the accomplishments. 7. Talk About Your Life Experiences Related to showing the real person behind the cover letter, making  connections between non-professional experiences and the position can show the hiring manager youre a well-rounded person  who  can draw upon personal knowledge to get things done. One example might be  talking  about how studying abroad in college taught you to connect with different people and navigate new situations. 8. Clarify Any Gaps in Employment Recruiters and hiring managers understand how tough the job market can be. Your cover letter is  a place to explain why you were laid off (without the sordid details, of course) or why you took a gap year after college.  Employers  will be much more understanding if they know the reasons behind  the gaps on your resume. 9.  Highlight  Aspects of the Company You Appreciate Its always a good idea to thoroughly research a company before you apply.  Use the information  you find to show why  you would be a good fit for the company. If you appreciate the organizations emphasis on face-to-face client interaction, then say so. This will demonstrate that you not only did your research, but also align with the companys values. 10. Reread and Edit Over and Over You might be surprised how neglectful applicants can be with their cover letters. Check every aspect of the document, like your formatting, the correct address and company name, the hiring managers name, etc. If a company cant trust you to correctly format a cover letter,  it  wont be able to trust you with  the positions responsibilities. â€" Writing a great cover letter is crucial to nailing a job application. There is no around it: Youre going to have to spend a lot of time on your cover letters. However, these practical tips will give you more direction  and make the process far less painful â€" and far more rewarding. Harris Roberts writes online for multiple publications. He has an interest in startups and small business growth. He previously worked as director of accounts at a small boutique creative agency.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Friday, November 15, 2019

CBD is the latest fitness trend, attracting a surprising consumer demographic

CBD is the latest fitness trend, attracting a surprising consumer demographic CBD is the latest fitness trend, attracting a surprising consumer demographic Once condemned an opiate reserved for hippies, college kids, or, by some demonizing standards, degenerates, today marijuana has almost completely scrapped its taboo reputation. The explosion in sales of one variant of the marijuana plant, CBD (cannabidiol), has expanded to industries as diverse as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, and has recently caused a notable stir within the fitness scene. CBD’s alleged healing properties are manifold, from curing cancer, acting as an antipsychotic, and, most notably, relieving anxiety. Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Don’t confuse CBD with THCUntil recently, marijuana has long been stigmatized for one of its manifold properties: the mind-altering effects of THC. It’s easy to make the mistake of confusing CBD with THC. THC is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, meaning THC substances are what people who want to get â €œhigh” seek out. Unlike THC, CBD isn’t known to cause psychoactive effects. While THC and CBD have the same chemical formula, the latter has a slight variance in its compound arrangement that inhibits psycho-symptomatic impact.For this reason, it’s very much legal, making it a huge draw for consumers.An unlikely consumer demographicThe legality of CBD, among other reasons, may explain why it’s enticed an unexpected target buyer. CBD’s primary consumers average the age of 40, tend to be highly educated, and are more likely than non-consumers to be employed full time. 66% of CBD consumers in the US agree with the complete legalization of cannabis. Of these 90% believing that marijuana has medical benefits, principally based on the assumption that it relieves pain. People in their 20s still make up the majority of CBD users, but a  surprising 15% of people 60 and older have also reported being frequent users. CBD and fitness go hand in handIt’s no secret that cannabinoids remedy a wide range of pain cases, from muscle soreness to crippling chronic pain. CBD, in particular, carries potent anti-inflammatory properties, both when ingested and when applied topically. Because of this, CBD is becoming a holistic alternative as a post-workout aid.Ladders sat down with Amanda Kloots, fitness guru turned CEO, at the launch of her newest CBD infused product AK! Chill CBD Relief Cream, held at Bluebird London’s midtown Manhattan location.“CBD is so huge right now. I was training nine hours a day and couldn’t walk the next day. I somehow would have to do it all over again. A friend of mine gave me a CBD product and I started using it every night before bed. Immediately I saw the difference. I knew then that I needed to come up with my own product,” said Kloots. “CBD is a natural way to help your body recover. It’s so nice to use something pure on your body that chemically induced products that we grew up with. CBD has the ability to topically treat the pain from the outside and ingestibles help from the inside. It assists in pain recovery and inflammation in your muscles quickly so the recovery time for athletes is hyper-fast!”Of the ideation process, Kloots remarked on having a great deal of creative bandwidth to test different variations. “I didn’t want the menthol scent to be too overpowering, so we added touches of lavender.” The end result? An airy, cream-like lotion with a subtle arrangement of palliative essences. When applied, the soothing menthol scented cream relieves muscle soreness immediately, typically lasting up to 4-6 hours after application. While CBD in lotion-form makes for an easy application, there are various different ways to use it. In a recent Consumer Reports survey, edible CBD was listed as the most popular application choice, with 35% of users claiming this method their favorite. Spray and vaping fall closely behind, with topical rub or cream application clocking in at 21%. Projected growthB usinesses may be wise to capitalize on this trend, as it’s only expected to escalate in growth over the next decade. A  study by BDS Analytics and Arcview Market Research projects that CBD sales in the U.S. will surpass $20 billion by 2024.  If you find this projection alone to be unimpressive, the diverse range of users may prove more shocking. Over a quarter, or approximately    26%, of Americans have tried CBD at least once in the past two years, according to a  new  survey. Of these, muscle pain accounted for 22% of intended uses, while anxiety relief ranked highest at 38%. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 42% of those who used CBD to treat joint pain were Baby Boomers. As CBD becomes an increasingly popular remedy of choice for treating joint and muscle pain, it’s not surprising that entrepreneurs within the fitness industry have leaped on the Cannabinoid bandwagon. “I think we are just on the brink of where we will see CBD go. It is still very new on the scene, but I already see it infiltrating not only the fitness industry but also beauty in a large way.  I think it has a very long term market upside,” said Kloots. You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 14, 2019

15 Reasons Why Your Perfect Resume Was Rejected

15 Reasons Why Your Perfect Resume Was Rejected 15 Reasons Why Your Perfect Resume Was Rejected 15 Reasons Why Your Perfect Resume Was Rejected First of all, is there such thing as a perfect resume? Not exactly. Think of it  like trying to make  a perfect sandwich for a customer. Youve got to get all the technical sandwich details correct, like including bread, meats, cheeses, vegetables, condiments, etc. If you forget any of these basic requirements, then youll create  a super weak sandwich. And thats the easy part. Whats the the biggest problem? Having all the ingredients your customers want.  But, even if you do have all of the required ingredients, every customer will have their own  subjective taste. You cant please everyone. OK, what about the perfect resume? Well, lets assume your resume has all the basic requirements (perfectly formatted, no spelling errors, targeted at the business, has the relevant sections, contains excellent bullet points, etc.) Furthermore, youve got all the necessary qualifications and education to do the job well. You send out your perfect resume and cover letter. Then something weird happens: No response. Weak interest. Outright rejection. What happened? To find out what happened, I asked hiring managers, HR professionals, recruiters, and staffing experts to help me create the complete list of reasons why a perfect resume would be rejected. Their responses were both enlightening and disheartening for the out-of-luck job seeker. The good news? You can actively work to mitigate these problems. Heres why your perfect resume was rejected, and what you can do to solve these problems. #1. Discriminatory or weirdly picky  hiring manager I already told the team, no more resumes from people named Jason! Theyre all lazy! The Problem Your resume may fall into the hands of someone who dislikes you due to irrational reasons beyond your control. There are two different types of prejudice you may encounter: Discriminatory:  Racism, misogyny, and other forms of prejudice are still problems in the 21st century workplace. If you encounter a hiring manager who does not like your race or gender, it will be difficult  break through that barrier. Picky: John Paul Engel of Knowledge Capital Consulting has been in the recruiting game for almost two decades. He related an experience where his client “refused to hire anyone who earned an online degree, even if they already had a degree from a respected school.” To get past a discriminatory hiring manager, you may need to find an ally in the company to help pressure him/her into giving you an interview. Easier said than done. Winning over a picky hiring manager could be as easy as simply having a phone or email conversation with them directly. People with quirky prejudices tend to soften up once they get to know the actual person better. #2. Overwhelmed hiring manager The Problem Some positions receive a huge amount of application spam, leaving some novice hiring managers reeling and disorganized. Your perfect resume simply be getting lost in the shuffle. How to Overcome: Persistently Follow Up You need to persistently follow up. Email or call the hiring manager and ask if they received your application 2-3 days after you send it in. Be prepared to answer questions on the spot about your application if you do manage to get connected to the hiring manager. Be sure to read up on important interview questions and answers beforehand. #3. Missing a certain “X” factor The Problem The mysterious X factor. Youre missing a certain X factor. This “X” factor can be almost anything. In the case of Larry Stybel, a professional recruiter, he recounts how he was asked to recruit a female VP for a company where all of the vice presidents were male. Although this is technically illegal, all he had to do was ignore resumes from men â€" even the perfect ones. If you’re missing that “X” factor the company wants, your resume will be looked over, no matter how good it is. Here are a couple types of X factor discrimination you that might be working against you: “Authenticity” Discrimination:  An business such as a Chinese restaurant may want to appear more “authentic” by hiring waiters that look Chinese over experienced waiters of another race. Positive Discrimination:  â€œWhen two perfect candidates apply for the same position, preference can be given to a candidate who belongs to a minority group,” explains Chris Delaney from Employment King. Its impossible to know youre missing an X factor, but if you suspect thats the problem, you have to sell yourself hard to the people in charge. Youll have to convince them that they can get their X factor in another candidate, and that youre too strong to pass up. #4. Company can’t wait for you to relocate Be ready to uproot and move on the fly. The Problem In some cases, your perfect resume might be rejected because you’ll need to relocate for the role. If the company needs that spot filled immediately, your resume may be ignored, explains Stephanie McDonald from Hire Performance Recruiting Solutions. How to Overcome: Be Willing to Move Fast If youre applying for a job thats  far from your location, you should anticipate  needing to move. Keep the attention of the hiring manager by including your willingness to move very quickly in your cover letter and resume. #5. Company aimed to promote internally The Problem The job opening you applied for isnt really available to the outside public. A company might put up a job posting purely as an exercise in curiosity, but actually be aiming to promote internally. How to Overcome: Communication and Persistence Make a strong argument for yourself as directly as possible to the hiring manager, and continue to inquire about the job posting as long as you see its still up. You never know if circumstances within the company might change they may decide not to hire internally after all, or decide to hire two new people  because theyre expanding rapidly. Aim to keep your name in the game. #6. The job was only posted due to company policy, but was actually already filled The Problem Nathaniel Patterson, a former staffing and hiring manager, gives this  valuable piece of insight: “Some companies have policies that any job opening has to be posted publicly,” even if the company already has  already chosen a candidate. Nathaniel describes this policy as an attempt to be more fair and equal. Unfortunately, it is also a serious inconvenience to anyone who spends time on his/her job application! How to Overcome:  Make a Strong Impression If the candidate has already been chosen, theres nothing you can do to mitigate this problem. However, try to contact the hiring manager as soon as possible to inquire about the role. Patterson suggests asking these questions: What prompted the position to be open? What is their ideal candidate profile? Do they already have someone in mind for the role? Patterson explains that these questions will impress a hiring manager because any self-respecting job candidate should know the answers to these questions, and will help you understand the soft requirements the job role requires. #7. You aren’t currently working Not having a job can negatively  impact your job search, ironically enough. The Problem Patterson also explains that some companies won’t hire candidates that aren’t currently employed. Your education, qualifications, and resume may be perfect, but you may be excluded simply because you don’t currently have a job.This is because recruiters and hiring managers are looking for people who can acclimate to the new job quickly and have a shorter learning curve. According to conventional wisdom, candidates who are currently employed tend to fall in this category. How to Overcome: Find a Job in the Meantime Patterson says that job seekers  should  find work while they are looking for that better job.  Admittedly, sometimes finding a basic job can be difficult. He suggests looking into working for a temporary staffing agency, and  updating your resume frequently with the names of the companies youre tasked to work for. #8. Your application was sent through a staffing firm, which the company is intentionally ignoring The Problem If you applied for the job through a staffing firm, the company may intentionally be ignoring it, according to Patterson. Why? Staffing firms charge a large fee per job role filled, and the company may think it’s capable of filling the position on its own without spending that cash. How to Overcome: Apply Through the Company Directly Try to apply for job openings through the company directly to avoid this issue. However, Patterson also advocates building a strong relationship with a staffing firm. He says that some staffing firms have a strategy of only  putting one candidate in front of their client and really selling that person. If you can make someone else work to help get you a job, thats a big bonus. #9. Job description changed over time, hiring process is arbitrary The Problem The  job description you applied for is obsolete because the company keeps changing it. Companies may do this for several reasons: The hiring manager didnt know what they were doing Its a startup company  and the staff generally  lacks experience The company is in the process of changing Tim Ragan from says that “the whole sorting and selecting process is highly arbitrary and quite often selection criteria evolve as the recruiter goes through the stack of available resumes.” In other words, you may have written a perfect resume for a position that’s evolved into something different than what you initially applied for, making your resume less relevant. How to Overcome: Observation and Direct Communication You can overcome this issue by keeping your eye on the job posting and noticing changes. Keeping a line open with the hiring manager will also help clue you in to the evolving nature of the job. You may find that the job changes so much that your skills are no longer relevant. On the other hand, you may need to update the hiring manager and let them know that despite the changes, you still have the relevant qualifications (which you may need to mention in a new cover letter or resume). #10. The job opening was placed “on hold” The Problem You might be waiting a while for this one The job you applied for is on hold indefinitely. Executive coach Elva Baxter  explains that some companies may create job advertisements, and then put the positions on hold because circumstances have changed, or the position is eliminated altogether due to restructuring. How to Overcome: Observe, and Keep in Contact Circumstances can change rapidly in a company, so its best to keep observing the position or staying in contact with the hiring manager. You wont be able to force your way through this barrier, however. #11. It’s a “pipeline” job posting The Problem You applied to a job that doesnt exist yet. Marilyn Santiesteban, assistant director of the career services center at Texas AM University explains that some job postings are advertising for roles that don’t yet exist in the company. The hiring manager is simply planning ahead and collecting resumes from people in case the job does open. How to Overcome: Observation and Direct Communication Its hard to know if the job you applied for doesnt actually exist. The best you can do is try to contact the hiring manger and make sure they remember  your name for if or when the job role is created. #12. Applied too late (even if you sent your application in before the cutoff date) Job searching procrastination: A deadly combo. The Problem You applied too late. Technically, you applied before the cutoff date, but the hiring manager has already started making a decision. Stephanie McDonald explains that  hiring manager often quickly  receive several excellent resumes, and decided to cut off the selection process earlier than anticipated. How to Overcome: Apply as Soon as Possible If you notice that the job advertisements cutoff date is still far away,  dont procrastinate.  You may find yourself wondering if you had a chance if youd simply applied earlier. #13. The hiring manager made unfavorable assumptions about your pay grade The Problem Your excellent qualifications make it seem like youre going to ask for too much money. Ms. Baxter makes an excellent point that candidates coming from well known, blue chip companies may experience a problem where their resumes are ignored because hiring managers assume they’ll be too expensive. How to Overcome: Frame Your Application If youre coming from a big, well-known  company, Baxter suggests framing your cover letter in a way that suggests youre seeking smaller company opportunities and are very flexible with the arrangements. #14. Job description didn’t tell the whole story, and you’re not as perfect as you think The Problem Michelle Hubble from staffing company Principal Technologies writes that in some cases, “hiring managers will shorten their job advertisements to only show absolutely necessary  requirements. Preferred requirements may not be listed in the job ad, but a candidate with those preferred skills will still have a competitive advantage.” In other words, although you’ve tried your best, you may still be shooting in the dark with your job application. The sooner you can touch base with the hiring manager, the quicker you can come to understand that the job is not what you expected, and move on to more realistic job opportunities. #15. You looked bad on social media Try to keep your social media profiles clean. The Problem Your job application looks great, but the content that shows up on your social media is inappropriate, offensive, or unprofessional. How to Overcome: Clean it Up Its irritating  but you cant expect anything to be truly private anymore. You might consider doing an edit of your social media profiles (all of them!) to make sure youre not giving off a bad impression. Conclusion You may have noticed that the majority of these problems have the same solution getting in touch with the  hiring manager. Unsurprisingly, almost all of the hiring managers and staffing experts I contacted emphasized the importance of networking, because its the only way youre going to mitigate problems like these which are otherwise completely out of your control. You may feel like a pest or annoyance, but actually youll be making a good impression. Establishing direct contact will demonstrate that youre serious about the opportunity, and have drive beyond the average job applicant. Be proactive, and dont let your perfect resume go ignored.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Negotiating necessities Powerful tactics to get what you want

Negotiating necessities Powerful tactics to get what you want Negotiating necessities Powerful tactics to get what you want Self-Assessment Quiz â€" True or False: I feel comfortable speaking up at meetings. I have created a team of people I can go to for help. I am aware of my emotions when things are not going my way. I am not afraid to try opening closed doors. In my blogs, I’ve shared my horror story about when my cousin Mark saved the day and negotiated a salary offer on my behalf. It was how I learned firsthand about the power of negotiating. The salary increase he got me bumped me into an earning bracket that would’ve taken years to accomplish at the rate I was going.But I was 40 by the time I learned to ask for what I wanted. Taking that long to learn was a costly lesson I’ll never be able to recoup no matter how long I work. Because salary earnings compound over time, I’d already lost out on at least 20 YEARS of earnings as a baseline from which to start my negotiations at that stage of my career. It’s one of the reasons I started Powerful Penny LLC. I don’t want you to have to try to figure this stuff out all on your own! I rode the Struggle Bus until the wheels practically fell off, so YOU don’t have to. So hear me when I say, “Build your negotiation skills now!”It is imperative to your success that you stop blindl y accepting first offers, that you start a conversation after an initial offer is made, and that you know your worth. There’s a great book I just read called Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It by Chris Voss. Add it to your library, pronto. I’m telling y’all, you’ll thank me later!If negotiating scares the crap out of you (and it probably does if you answered FALSE to most of the questions in the self-assessment quiz), why not start small? Home: Can your spouse do the dishes tonight so that you have more hours to work your side hustle? Farmer’s Market: That bushel of sweet potatoes is $6.00. Will they take $5.00? Used Car Lot: Will they take $2,000 off the asking price? They have already marked up the car; some are just waiting for you not to negotiate.I learned a tip when I was in my 20s and purchasing my first car that has proven effective in negotiating over and over again. As a woman, I didn’t want to get hoodwinked and bamboozled, so I researched how to negotiate buying a car. And a couple of lessons have stuck with me.One, always buy a car at the end of the month, preferably the last Wednesday of the month. It’s even better if it’s raining or snowing heavily out when you go to the dealership. Salesmen are worried about making their quotas at the end of the month, so are more likely to negotiate with you. Timing is everything. As is the case with knowing when is the appropriate time to negotiate for what you want at work. Asking for a raise at the end of a fiscal year isn’t a great strategy. Like the car salesman, worried about making his quota, your boss is concerned about coming in under budget. Chances are, there are no dollars left for unexpected salary increases. So do your homework. Ask instead during the budget planning season for the upcoming fiscal year.Two, after you’ve done your research (and learned for example that it’s best to buy a car on a rainy 4th Wednesday), make your best offer, then STOP TALKING. Sssh. Not another single solitary word. You can make facial grimaces (or even roll your neck), but don’t speak until the car salesman reaches his best offer. If it’s not anywhere near yours, simply pick up your belongings and leave. OMG THIS WORKS! I’ve purchased four cars since I learned this method, and the silent treatment works every single time. He who speaks first LOSES.This tactic works, by the way, on boyfriends, children, and yes, even bosses! And it always works if you’ve done your homework first and know when to fold them. You can’t be afraid to walk away from something you really want. Which is why this is such a powerful negotiating tool. But don’t overplay your hand. If you’re bluffing - and aren’t really willing to walk away - a boss could just call your bluff and leave you holding your box of personal belongings standing at the curb wondering what the heck happened!Being an independent thinker also helps with negotiating. For exam ple, I hate it when we’re going into an arena or some other large public facility and there are 1,000 people trying to squeeze through one door like cattle, because it’s the only OPEN door. No one even thinks to try another door. That drives me BONKERS! I’m usually the one to try an alternate door. Do YOU try alternative proverbial doors when you are trying to negotiate a win-win at work? Or are you only focused on one solution?I’m also not afraid to speak up. I’m the one asking in the grocery store if they can get another cashier to help ring up customers if there are more than six people in line. Ummm-hmm. I’m THAT girl. Being an independent thinker makes it easier for you to negotiate on your own behalf once you know that you have that power. But you have to believe in yourself. Do you?If you need more practice, try asking for help in small doses. For example, if you’re at Target and you can’t find the hand sanitizer, are you the type of person to walk up and down the aisles looking, just knowing you can find it on your own- OR do you stop to ask an employee for help immediately? And even request that they walk you to the sanitizer.These tactics may seem totally incongruous with negotiating for a higher salary, promotion, or different job assignments at work. But these small steps can grow your courage in speaking up for things that are important to you. And isn’t that really what negotiating is all about?Give it a try. It is never too late or too early to learn the power of negotiating. Get started today!Cheryl Grace is the sassy aunt, best friend, and mentor you’ve always needed in your life. The successful jet-setting, global corporate executive founded the aspirational lifestyle brand Powerful Penny LLC. Her products, workshops and speeches probe, inspire and empower to ensure those who really want to can get to their next level of best. Her blogs on careers, prosperity, relationships, family, looking and living fabulously, and livin g a five-star life can be found at

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

There is a new way to get fit without spending more money

There is a new way to get fit without spending more money There is a new way to get fit without spending more money It can feel impossible to spend the time and money it takes to get healthy. Gym memberships can be costly, and that’s not even accounting for the minutes you lose to a workout.But now, health experts are looking at fitness through a completely different lens after a major change to the U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines last year. Their new perspective makes it easier to engage in physical activity, with “virtually zero time commitment” and no additional strain to your pocketbooks.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!All you have to do is keep doing what you’re doingLet me explain.In 2018, The Department of Health and Human Services ditched a requirement in the Physical Activity Guidelines that said physical activity (PA) had to go on for at least 10 minutes in a row to count toward better health. Experts from across the world were seemingly enthused to see the change, as they claimed that the previous rule was not evidence-based.“This opens new exciting opportunities to capitalise  (sic) on sporadic, incidental in nature, PA to improve the population’s health,” academics from Australia, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Norway wrote in an editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.In fact, we’ve known for a while that high-intensity interval training is  a popular and effective means of exercise. But even those time-saving methods still tend to make demands on people that some of the country’s unhealthiest residents are unwilling to fulfill.“Starting and sticking to an exercise programme is challenging for most who are at risk of developing lifestyle-related chronic disease: the most physically inactive, unfit, and overweight or obese middle-aged individuals, that  is, the  majority  of the adult population,” the editorial’s authors wrote.No pain, no gainBut what about the incidental physical activity such individuals do on a nearly daily basis? Climbing stairs, chasing kids, or even carrying groceries?Those bouts of vigorous intensity physical activity count, too, according to the authors. And as everyone rethinks what good health looks like, it may be time to restructure our lives so that we incorporate “High Intensity Incidental Physical Activity” (HIIPA) into our daily routines.“The time commitment for HIIPA is close to zero minutes per day, and people could save even more time if their HIIPA involves brief walking sprints, or taking the stairs instead of waiting for the lift,”  Emmanuel Stamatakis, a professor at the University of Sydney and one of the editorial’s co-authors, said in a press release.  â€œIt’s just about making good decisions like parking the car at the edge of the carpark and carrying shopping for 50 or 100 meters.”According to  Stamatakis, those who partake in HIIPA through their everyday routines can also enjoy no costs for fitness and no need for equipment. In shor t, the HIIPA solution is one of the most efficient methods to promote wellness, especially among middle-aged people who could be healthier.The editorial’s authors said public health organizations and clinical practice could use messaging such as “huff and puff regularly” instead of relying solely on bigger asks, such as moving more. But for those who already know about the benefits of incidental physical activity, there’s no need for a PSA. It’s time to start taking the stairs!You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, November 11, 2019

The One Thing to Do for Resumes Builder

The One Thing to Do for Resumes Builder The Honest to Goodness Truth on Resumes Builder When applying to a transportation operations manager job, make certain you match your skills with the demands of the work description to make the most of your chances. So if you're intent on discovering a very good job that you should built a professional looking resume and the above mentioned websites to earn online resume can definitely assist you in developing a CV. The work description is the key to success. The totally free job descriptions inside the resume-builders help young individuals to highlight a few of their skills they might otherwise fail to provide prominence. Employers usually anticipate a staffing coordinator candidate to have a fair typing rate and to be in a position to learn any program in under a month. The Chronological Resume indicates the specific timeline of someone's job history and illustrates their abilities and experience. Computer skills As the majority of the searches you will perform to give your clients an excellent deal are done on the internet or with a database, computer skills are mandatory. You should study data from preceding years or months to decide on the volume for each form of material. If you're just starting or have no former experience with a particular tool provided, always request directions and training, don't assume you are going to be just fine. Teamwork and go-getter As a huge data architect you're anticipated to function as part of a bigger implementation team. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. Former Coach or Player If you are coaching or playing that game for years you're most likely the best candidate to be a referee, as you know what are the most frequently made mistakes, tips and techniques on the area and what things to look for when evaluating faults. Knowing your capability will produce a huge difference in how you understand the world. You should design your own motivation system to assist you prevent mistakes due to boredom. Resume writing is an intimidating job for everyone. Thus, for your convenience, you have a superb chance to monitor the development of the assigned writer and make sure an essay will be ready in a timely method. List the programs you may use and attempt to include exclusive software, if any. Any template with advanced choices for formatting is ideal because it is going to supply you with the crucial flexibility to format a successful resume. You can opt for chronological, functional and modern resume formats. Resume editing isn't much simpler. The formatting may shift or break if used with different applications, although it needs to be easily modifiable to appear correct. Employing work application template is currently an acceptable and smart practice for a number of reasons. 1 approach to use resume building contractors is to create the the majority of the countless options out there. At times the work required is really necessary and there's nobody there to do it, at times it is a test from management to see whether you fit in the business on the very long term. Previous knowledge in litigation is essential to be utilized to formulating and supporting hypothesis, defending the customer and negotiating terms. There are exceptions like Heidrich and Struggles together with ManPower, though there aren't many. What employers and hiring managers wish to understand is what specific forms of equipment you're in a position to operate. Every state has different requirements and based on the hospital or clinic you wish to join, you might be asked for certification courses for various equipments. There'll be some areas in which you need to upgrade yourself. A good resume would assist with that.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Choosing Good Marketing Coordinator Resume

Choosing Good Marketing Coordinator Resume Marketing Coordinator Resume Features Most digital advertising coordinator positions take a degree in a related field. Sales and advertising coordinators work with the advertising department to help get a corporation's name in the general public. An advertising coordinator will normally work in a corporate office, but might be asked to run errands on behalf of the advertising team. Marketing coordinator job description templates are wanted by employers when they're expected to fulfill and create the specifics of the marketing activities they expect from the marketing coordinators. Your promotion manager resume summary is the surface of your sales funnel. Second, you should clearly recognize the name of the company that you need to work for. Instead, you are going to want to read enough about the enterprise to make a really personalized comment in your cover letter. Without resumes, you won't be qualified to apply for any organization. To succeed, you must understand what you're facing. To accomplish this, public relations coordinators may have to study their customers' objectives and plan their strategies accordingly. Public relations coordinators, sometimes called public relations specialists, use print, broadcast and internet media to market their organizations to the general public. You ought to have the analytical wherewithal to discover the performance of digital marketing and advertising campaigns and suggest strategic content changes as a way to improve future campaign performance. There are lots of items that are necessary to be achieved for the complete implementation of marketing activities and processes, which is the reason why the job functions of people involved with marketing processes are extremely essential. When you begin an internet marketing campaign, your very first decision is who you need to attain. The templates help the employers in making the probable candidates understand the simple fact that they have to produce materials and plans for marketing and in addition, they have to have the skills in keeping up the advertising website of the provider. In a situation like this, marketing operations will need to get coordinated to attain the stated monetary and non-monetary aims of the organization. So you've got your advertising degree. The sphere of marketing wants a variety of people to supply the functions that are necessary by the marketing activities of a certain business enterprise. The very first step to pursuing an advertising coordinator job may be an associate's degree in marketing. Marketing Coordinator Resume Ideas The artistic part of job distribution is in the true message of the work order. Clearly, you must carefully select the appropriate ones based on the sort of digital advertising and marketing coordinator position you're applying for. It's important for an advertising coordinator to have an understanding of various advertising and marketing approaches and outreach practices. Marketing coordinator job description templates are required for giving a precise and updated idea about the things that the empl oyers are searching for in the applicants who want to work as marketing coordinators. Generally, it's the duty of the community relations coordinator to create the business more visible in the neighborhood community by undertaking projects which will help to benefit everybody in the community. You wish to attempt to encapsulate your organization's personality. You are able to observe why knowing your perfect company is so critical. Met with key customers to come up with a deeper knowledge of just the way the business was perceived in the marketplace. You're a graduate who's full of potential. Training employees might be huge expense for companies. At times the coordinator will also function on the board at nonprofit organizations in the region. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Marketing Coordinator Resume It's also important to keep in mind that your resume is meant to demonstrate your qualifications for a new position. You ought to be in a position to brag a little here. Writing a resume can be an intimidating task. In order to work, job orders m ust contain proper search phrases and descriptions, but in addition help sell the position and the firm. Consider what you've got to offer and what the work description asks for. You will need to select the correct resume type based on the job that you would want to submit an application for. When it has to do with creating marketing coordinator job description templates, it is essential for the concerned authorities to have a good idea on the process of writing a work description.