Thursday, December 19, 2019

Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

Tips for Writing Letters of RecommendationTips for Writing Letters of RecommendationAlmost everyone is asked to write a reference letter at some time during his or her career. Whether its for an employee, a friend, or someone youve worked with, it is important to be prepared to write aneffective letter of recommendation.Its equally important to be ready to say no if youre not comfortable recommending someone for employment. Read below for tips on how to respond to a recommendation request, and how to write a strong letter of recommendation. When You Have Nothing Positive to Say Its actually in the rolles best interest for you to politely decline writing a reference letter if you cant provide more than a wishy-washy endorsement. A less than positive reference can cause as much harm as a negative reference. Employers are usually good at reading between the lines and will pick up on what youre not saying. If you decline, the part can move on to another reference who may be able to p rovide a glowing recommendation. A simple way out is to say that you are not familiar enough with their work or background to provide a reference. That way you can minimize any potential hurt feelings. Hereshow to decline a request for a reference. Request Information If youre thrilled to be asked, but not sure what to say, ask the part for a copy of their resume and a list of accomplishments. This will give you guidelines to use when composing a letter. If you are writing a letter of recommendation for a student applying for a job or internship, you might also ask for a list of their related coursework. Ask for information on what the recommendation is for. If it is for a specific job, ask for the job listing. If it is for a school, ask about the type of program they are applying to. This will help you focus your letter on skills and qualities related to the position or school. Also be sure to ask the person who you should submit the letter to, and how to send it. Some letters must be sent in hard copy, and others are sent via email, so it is important to follow directions carefully. Start With the Basics Start by stating how long youve known the person. Briefly provide details on how you know the person (for example, if the person worked for you, if you are neighbors if the person was your student, etc.).Also, include any relevant dates if he or she was an employee, include dates of employment. If he or she was a student, state when. Include Details Continue by describing the persons skills and performance, and what makes them an ideal candidate for a potential new employer. Include two or three outstanding attributes, and try to provide an example of a time the person displayed these attributes. Try to select attributes that connect to the position he or she is applying for. If possible, look at the job listing ahead of time, or ask the person what kinds of jobs he or she is applying to. Look at the job description (or search online for job lis tings for the type of job the person is applying for). Look for qualities included in the job description that remind you of the person youre writing the recommendation for. End by summarizing why you are recommending this person for employment. Offer to Follow Up At the end of the letter, you may also want to provide a phone number or email address. This way, employers can follow up if they have questions or want more information. Heres a list of information that should be included in a recommendation letter, and a letter of recommendation template to use to start your own letter. Be Professional Be sure to thoroughly read and proofread your letter before sending it, looking for any grammar or spelling errors. Consider asking a friend or family member to edit your letter for you. Write your letter in proper business letter format. Select a clear, easy-to-read font like Times New Roman or Arial. Follow Instructions Submit your letter exactly as the person asks you to. If they do not tell you how to send the letter (or to whom to send the letter), ask. If youre sending an email reference, list your contact information after your typed signature rather than at the top of the pgae. Review an Example Your NameYour Title (for a professional reference)Your AddressYour City, StateZip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateContact NameTitleCompanyNameAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms. LastnameJanice DeAngeles has been one of my most accomplished students in the biology department at Huntington College. She earned all As in my courses. During her senior year, she worked for me as an assistant in my freshman-level biology labs. Janice is mature, thoughtful, and well-spoken.I was most impressed by how Janice handled situations that came up in the late sessions. Students often have trouble paying attention and staying focused, but she always found ways to engage with them and get them interested in the tasks at hand.Janice will excel at whatever career she ch ooses, and it is an honor to recommend her for the internship position. If you have any questions or wish to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555, and my email is,Handwritten Signature (for a hard copy letter)Typed Signature Expand

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