Sunday, December 29, 2019

9 ways you should use emotional intelligence at work

9 ways you should use emotional intelligence at work9 ways you should use emotional intelligence at workA persons emotional intelligence at work is only as strong as their last conversation, according toJen Shirkani, an EQ expert and speaker. Shirkani breaks up emotional intelligence using the Three R method, which explains emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, read others and your environment, and respond appropriately given the company and situation.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBased on thebehaviors of people with high EQs, heres how to use emotional intelligence at work in order to be successful.Using emotional intelligence at work as a leaderShutterstockLeaders, whether youre the CEO or an individual team manager, must use emotional intelligence at work every single day. While you may not interact with every person in the office each day, the company attitude begins with you.If I want an engaged employee then its important that I am therefore an emotionally engaging leader, Shirkani said.Leaders also need to be aware that they are following the chain of command in the office. Though you may feel that you have earned the right to ask any employee to complete a task, skipping the team manager by going straight to a specific employee could make that leader feel out of the loop, unimportant and frustrated. Basically, leaders need to be aware of the impact that their behavior is having on those around them every step of the way.Using emotional intelligence while leading a meetingShutterstockIf youre leading the meeting, you have to have a very keen eye on reading the room, Shirkani said.For example, the leader should be able to read the body language of attendees and identify if they need to take actions to gain back attention. In addition to keeping focus, the leader should also make sure that more outspoken e mployees arent dominating the meeting.While its great to have a lively discussion, the leader should make sure that each attendee has the opportunity to speak, including those thatthat are more introverted.Using emotional intelligence while attending a meetingShutterstockThe meeting coordinator isnt the only person who has to worry about emotional intelligence in the conference room. In fact, its just as important for an attendee to use it as well.Shirkani remembers a time when she welches in a meeting with a small group of leaders and one woman, who was completely engaged, didnt speak during the entire hour-long discussion.I thought, she runs the risk of not being included in the future because she hasnt contributed anything, Shirkani said. She didnt add any value to the meeting.Even shy employees need to step out of their comfort zone and recognize situations that call for the need to speak up.Using emotional intelligence during a performance reviewShutterstockEmotionally intellig ent people have a solid view of themselves, which includes having a deep understanding of what comes naturally to them and what doesnt. An emotionally intelligent person welcomes suggestions and ignores unhelpful negative comments. Instead of harping on a piece of criticism from your superior, you should use it to better yourself.To prepare for a formal review, Shirkani suggests thinking of the worst criticism that you could receive and imagine how you would react to it. If you picture yourself growing upset or angry, try having a friend give you the piece of feedback and think of a composed, thoughtful response. As always, remember to breathe and stay calm.Using emotional intelligence after receiving feedbackShutterstockUnfortunately for the thick-skinned, using emotional intelligence with performance reviews doesnt immediately stop when the meeting is over.You cant just be good at getting feedback, you have to actually do something with it in order to get credit for it, Shirkani s aid. Taking action is a crucial part of using emotional intelligence at work because it involves being self-aware and having the ability to adapt.Using emotional intelligence while networkingShutterstockNetworking events can be intimidating spaces for introverts, but they are important opportunities for professionals to advance their careers. Emotional intelligence is extremely important during these events because it will allow introverts to step out of their comfort zone and interact with others despite their discomfort.Social interactions arent only difficult for introverts, according to Shirkani. Extroverts should use emotional intelligence in these instances to make sure that they are not completely controlling a conversation. At network events, extroverts may need to tone it down and allow introverts to come to them when they feel comfortable.Using emotional intelligence at work as a hiring managerShutterstockThe most proactive time to use emotional intelligence at work is whe n youre hiring a new employee. While one of the goals of developing EQ is coachability, hiring someone who is receptive to feedback is much smarter than starting with an emotional intelligence newbie.We can teach it, we can coach it, but if I can hire it. .. Im way ahead of the game, Shirkani said.Hiring emotional intelligence may be easy for an EQ guru, but not everyone knows how to test these skills. Shirkani recommends asking one question to test the three emotional intelligence pillars self-awareness, social awareness, and self-control. The question is, Have you ever unintentionally offended or upset somebody? And describe the details for me.If the candidate struggles to find an answer to this question, he or she most likely dont have strong emotional intelligence skills. This question tests that the person has the self-awareness know when his or her behavior has a negative impact on another person. The answer will also help you see if the interviewee has the social skills to ad mit and work through mistakes.Using emotional intelligence as a candidate during an interviewShutterstockSelf-awareness is the key component of using emotional intelligence during an interview. By having a full understanding of your strengths, youll be able to easily articulate them to the hiring manager. Another use of self-awareness is that it allows you to flip the script and interview the hiring manager.Its a good idea to ask about the persons managing style in order to see if it fits what you need as an employee.Using emotional intelligence as a new hireShutterstockNew hires usually enter a job motivated to make a splash in the company, but Shirkani warns them not to be overzealous. Before we start spouting off what we did at our old company, its important that were really observing for a while and figuring out what the rules are, what the norm is and what the culture is like, Shirkani said.A new employee should use emotional intelligence to ease into suggesting changes as not to overwhelm or upset anyone.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How To Learn From A Bad Interview

How To Learn From A Bad InterviewHow To Learn From A Bad Interview The interview component of your job search can be the most stressful part of the process. It can be an intense and anxiety-inducing time because it feels like your future depends on this moment. Sometimes, you can be uber-prepared and confident going into an interview, and yet, once its done, you can feel that somewhere, somehow it went horribly wrong. However, its possible that you can learn from this experience. Here are five important takeawaysGet yourself to a coffee shop right after your interview. Sit down, grab your notebook and pen, and begin documenting your experience. Start with your feelings and thoughts post-interview. How did you feel when you entered the office, during the interview, and when it was over? Can you pinpoint when you abfluged feeling something was wrong? Was there an obvious turning point in the interview where you knew you screwed up?Next, document all the questions that were asked. Think about your answers that you were unhappy with. This is a great approach if you are just starting your interview process. If there were questions you were unprepared for , now youll know for next time.Finally, be brutally honest with yourself about your feelings towards the position and company. What was your mindset like going into the room? Were you truly interested in the job? Did you get enough sleep the night before? Being honest with yourself helps you to accept your responsibility in the process and give you insight into how to do better next time.Seek out people you can trust. Share your job interview experience with them and landsee what they think. Perhaps they have a different perspective they can offer you that you never considered and give you honest feedback.Despite how you think the interview went, dont skip this step. If you made a blunder (like calling the interviewer by the wrong name, not asking any questions or spilling your glass of water) , take advantage of the thank-you note to recover from your mistake and provide clarification if you can. This may even be the opportunity to ask for another chanceWhat did you do well during this particular interview? Think of the things you did leading up to and during the interview that you can be proud of. Write them down. And always remember The fact that you got an interview is an accomplishment in and of itself.Resiliency is key at this stage. Dont beat yourself up. There are so many factors that influence an interview that are beyond your control, so dont go down a path of despair and self-doubt. Be extra gentle with yourself. Take the time to feel the disappointment, process what happened, mull it over, complain to your friends - then transition yourself into accepting what happened so you can let that interview go, and look forward to the next one, armed with everything you have learned through the process. Just like Nat King Cole says, Pick yourself up, dust yourself o ff, start all over again.This article originally appeared on The Well , Jopwells digital magazine.The Well is the digital magazine of Jopwell, the career advancement platform for Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American professionals and students. Subscribe to receive weekly stories and advice in your inbox.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Tips for Writing Letters of Recommendation

Tips for Writing Letters of RecommendationTips for Writing Letters of RecommendationAlmost everyone is asked to write a reference letter at some time during his or her career. Whether its for an employee, a friend, or someone youve worked with, it is important to be prepared to write aneffective letter of recommendation.Its equally important to be ready to say no if youre not comfortable recommending someone for employment. Read below for tips on how to respond to a recommendation request, and how to write a strong letter of recommendation. When You Have Nothing Positive to Say Its actually in the rolles best interest for you to politely decline writing a reference letter if you cant provide more than a wishy-washy endorsement. A less than positive reference can cause as much harm as a negative reference. Employers are usually good at reading between the lines and will pick up on what youre not saying. If you decline, the part can move on to another reference who may be able to p rovide a glowing recommendation. A simple way out is to say that you are not familiar enough with their work or background to provide a reference. That way you can minimize any potential hurt feelings. Hereshow to decline a request for a reference. Request Information If youre thrilled to be asked, but not sure what to say, ask the part for a copy of their resume and a list of accomplishments. This will give you guidelines to use when composing a letter. If you are writing a letter of recommendation for a student applying for a job or internship, you might also ask for a list of their related coursework. Ask for information on what the recommendation is for. If it is for a specific job, ask for the job listing. If it is for a school, ask about the type of program they are applying to. This will help you focus your letter on skills and qualities related to the position or school. Also be sure to ask the person who you should submit the letter to, and how to send it. Some letters must be sent in hard copy, and others are sent via email, so it is important to follow directions carefully. Start With the Basics Start by stating how long youve known the person. Briefly provide details on how you know the person (for example, if the person worked for you, if you are neighbors if the person was your student, etc.).Also, include any relevant dates if he or she was an employee, include dates of employment. If he or she was a student, state when. Include Details Continue by describing the persons skills and performance, and what makes them an ideal candidate for a potential new employer. Include two or three outstanding attributes, and try to provide an example of a time the person displayed these attributes. Try to select attributes that connect to the position he or she is applying for. If possible, look at the job listing ahead of time, or ask the person what kinds of jobs he or she is applying to. Look at the job description (or search online for job lis tings for the type of job the person is applying for). Look for qualities included in the job description that remind you of the person youre writing the recommendation for. End by summarizing why you are recommending this person for employment. Offer to Follow Up At the end of the letter, you may also want to provide a phone number or email address. This way, employers can follow up if they have questions or want more information. Heres a list of information that should be included in a recommendation letter, and a letter of recommendation template to use to start your own letter. Be Professional Be sure to thoroughly read and proofread your letter before sending it, looking for any grammar or spelling errors. Consider asking a friend or family member to edit your letter for you. Write your letter in proper business letter format. Select a clear, easy-to-read font like Times New Roman or Arial. Follow Instructions Submit your letter exactly as the person asks you to. If they do not tell you how to send the letter (or to whom to send the letter), ask. If youre sending an email reference, list your contact information after your typed signature rather than at the top of the pgae. Review an Example Your NameYour Title (for a professional reference)Your AddressYour City, StateZip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateContact NameTitleCompanyNameAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Mr./Ms. LastnameJanice DeAngeles has been one of my most accomplished students in the biology department at Huntington College. She earned all As in my courses. During her senior year, she worked for me as an assistant in my freshman-level biology labs. Janice is mature, thoughtful, and well-spoken.I was most impressed by how Janice handled situations that came up in the late sessions. Students often have trouble paying attention and staying focused, but she always found ways to engage with them and get them interested in the tasks at hand.Janice will excel at whatever career she ch ooses, and it is an honor to recommend her for the internship position. If you have any questions or wish to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555, and my email is,Handwritten Signature (for a hard copy letter)Typed Signature Expand

Sunday, December 15, 2019

4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team Players - The Muse

4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team Players - The Muse4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team PlayersRemember back when you were in school, and your teacher would announce that a new group project was being assigned? If your classrooms were anything like mine, you recall hearing a collective groan echo from chalkboard to chalkboard.Confession time I was probably the one groaning and complaining the loudest. But, it was likely for a different reason than fruchtwein of my classmates. My peers were disheartened to hear that even more work was being tossed on their plates. Me? I wasnt so upset about the new assignment. Rather, I was more discouraged that I was going to have to work in a group, when Id honestly rather just do the entire thing myself. That probably makes me sound like a pretty terrible person, and an even worse colleague- I get that. But, it doesnt change the facts Im a total control freak. I feel this undeniable urge to have the final say on every last detail- no matter h ow small.Theres only one problem This approach simply isnt maintainable (or advisable, really) in a work environment. When you need to effectively collaborate and communicate with your co-workers, behaving like this really gets in the way.As much as I love being in charge, I dont want to become known as that teammate whos a total steamroller. So, needless to say, throughout my years Ive managed to identify a few strategies thatve allowed me to loosen the reins and transform myself into a little more of a team player.Give these four tips a try, and youre sure to improve the way you work with your co-workers (even if your inner control freak is screaming all the while). 1. Recognize Your WeaknessesIf youre thinking that this seems like an incredibly discouraging first point, I cant blame you. However, taking some time to identify those things that you arent so great at can be incredibly helpful in relaxing your grip on every last piece of a project.When you crave control, its your nat ure to want to handle everything- regardless of whether or not youre the best one for the job. As bad as it sounds, youd rather have it within your own grasp than have to trust someone else to get it done.This is why recognizing your weaknesses can be so effective Youll have a much easier time delegating or releasing those things that you already know arent your forte. Theres no greater sense of comfort than knowing that spreadsheet is in the hands of your offices resident Excel whiz or that the pickiest proofreader in your entire company is taking the final look through that report.Identifying your own weaknesses does something equally important at the saatkorn time It highlights your teams strengths. By figuring out those pieces you arent well-equipped to handle yourself, youll find natural openings where others can easily step in, fill those gaps, and contribute to the project (without you spiraling into a panic). 2. Be Open and HonestTheres nothing worse than a control freak who repeatedly chants, Im not a control freak Listen, you like to be in charge- and, sometimes theres nothing wrong with that. But, refusing to own up to your true colors wont do you any favors. In fact, it will likely just irritate your team even more.The best thing you can do? Own up to the fact that you like to take charge right from the get-go. Doing so will boot that big, pink elephant out of the room right away, and nip those hushed whispers and annoyed remarks from your co-workers in the bud.However, simply admitting that you can be on the pushier side isnt quite enough. Take this piece of advice one step further by enlisting an accountability partner on your team. You should explicitly instruct this person to give you a heads up and pull you back down to earth when youre crossing the line from organized to obsessive. Having him or her keep you in check when you start to get a little too demanding will save you from snowballing into a full-on dictator. 3. Discuss, Dont DemandIf you asked two different people to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Im willing to bet they both wouldnt go about it the same way. Maybe one would slather peanut butter on one slice of bread, and then jelly directly on top of it. Perhaps the other would coat one slice in peanut butter, the other in jelly, and then smoosh them together.This isnt a lecture on the art of sandwich making (and- lets face it- it is an art), but the point is this Even though those people had two very different ways of making their classic PBJ, they still ended up with the same sandwich.Theres more than one way to do anything. That doesnt necessarily mean that one method is right and the other is wrong- theyre simply different. And, unfortunately, that ideology is much too easy to lose sight of when youre gritting your teeth at the thought of not maintaining every ounce of control by doing things your way. So, before storming in with your my way or the highway approach, make sure that you zip your lips and take some time to listen. You should even ask questions, rather than doling out strict demands and instructions. You might be surprised by the thoughtful ideas and suggestions that come to the surface. No, this might not come easily when youre a natural-born control freak. But, as the old adage goes, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. 4. Find Helpful Ways to ControlAlright, just because you cant clear everybody else out of the way and charge full steam ahead on your own doesnt mean you cant be responsible for anything. You are definitely still entitled to contribute to the project or objective with your thoughts and your efforts. Nobodys saying that being a team player means being completely hands off. The key here is to channel your my way or the highway tendencies into things that your team will actually appreciate. Perhaps thats by creating a detailed timeline for the entire project. Or, maybe youre the best one to lead your regular team meetings to get status updates. Theres a big difference between keeping everybody on track and keeping everybody under your thumb- and there are definitely times you can grab the reins and provide direction, without coming off as unbearably bossy. Find some different things that would actually help your team and put those on your own plate. Youll be a valuable team member, while still satisfying that inner control freak.Ill be the first to admit that I love being in charge, and that can often make it difficult for me to be perceived as a true team player. Luckily, these four tips have helped me to squelch my control freak tendencies (at least a little bit) and be an all-around better collaborator. Give them a try for yourself- Im sure your teammates will appreciate it Photo of co-workers courtesy of Portra Images/Getty Images.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Demise of Accomplishments for Resume

The Demise of Accomplishments for Resume You should bedrngnis use the expression accountable for on a resume as it can never truly sound to be an achievement. When compiling your list, you might not know which achievements to put on a resume, or you could not find out how to best present your achievements in a means thats simple for a possible employer to digest. If youre not certain how to begin listing achievements for a resume, do just a little brainstorming. Some achievements or accomplishments could possibly be too personal. It is insufficient to gather your roles and obligations in your resume. You require tocustomize your resume for each work application and therefore dont simply incorporate the accomplishments that you think are definitely the most impressive. Its alright to include resume accomplishments from different elements of your life that are related to the job that you are applying for. Organizing your time is just as important. What You Dont Know About Accomplishments for Resume Theres nobody right approach to structure a resume. You are still going to have to consider an assortment of tips that are essential when writing your resume. The particular time period of your accomplishments is not something youve got to include, but should youve done something amazing prior to a deadline, then you ought to include it, Gelbard explained. Additionally, how you phrase your accomplishments and which ones that you emphasize will be dependent on the job for which youre applying. Its vital to make distinctions in your resume. All you accomplishment however small they may seem ought to be included. It is crucial to point out that team-support achievement has to be accompanied by that individuals capacity to attain different sales and customer-service goals consistently. Effectively communicating achievements will boost your credibility for a teacher. The War Against Accomplishments for Resume Duties permit the hiring manager to gauge the reach of your role while accomplishments go a step further to illustrate your capability to finish a given task. Sometimes you must answer your response to your abilities. Relevant interpersonal skills would be convenient. There are a few key skills you ought to have on your resume. The New Angle On Accomplishments for Resume Just Released Highlight your organization analysis accomplishments and help it become crystal clear that youre qualified for the varieties of BA jobs to which youre applying. Make sure you analyze the work description carefully and choose keywords that it is possible to relate to you accomplishments. Well, if you tailor your resume to coordinate with your job description, youll have identified and added the right search phrases to your resume. You have to analyze the work description well. When you are confident in the outcome, youre prepared to move on to the Education Section. You may also understand the Work Resumes. Preparing a well-written scholarship application is frequently a challenging course of action. Accomplishments dont have to be monumental to be able to demonstrate an employer how you may add value on your resume. You ought to take the next three steps to start. Maybe youll only have to make a couple of word changes or perhaps you have to move entire blocks of the resume to a different section. If youre getting stuck in identifying your accomplishments, consider using the P-A-R process. The very first step is to choose the sort of resume that you prefer to create, and the way it will incorporate your prior experience, job history and strong points, while reflecting the demands of the jobs applied for. At this point you have a list of accomplishments which are related to the position. Your resume enables you to describe your very best accomplishments so employers wish to have a gunst der stunde on you. The term accomplishments may be more inclusive than you might imagine. Many also believe that i ts really hard to come across certain accomplishments in their industry. Many job seekers make the error of listing job duties and duties over achievements. Your summary section is probably the very first thing a hiring manager will read, which means you need to be certain that its the ideal portion of your resume. Even when you arent searching for a job and are only starting a medical billing business, obtaining a good resume is still important. The upcoming resumes are for men and women that are still researching on a topic whilst pursuing their jobs which could facilitate their research and several more.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Manufacturing Job Resume Writing Service and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Manufacturing Job Resume Writing tafelgeschirr and Why You Must Take Action Today Demand for manufacturing engineers is anticipated to go up. Conclusion If youre seeking a work status in the manufacturing business, it is crucial to present a well written and compelling resume to raise the success of your application. A manufacturing job can consist of several different types of positions, which range from management or to just production work. So you would like a job for a manufacturing engineer. Details of Manufacturing Job Resume Writing Service In addition, your educational level and the subject matter dont influence the caliber of the paper in the slightest. Well, its quite tricky for the majority of people to spot their own writing mistakes. If youve been considering changing careers or going back to school, nows the ideal time to begin. You can be far more specific whilst presenting your work experience. Also, it is going to dire ct you in preparing your resume to acquire the desired job position. You should have at least eight decades of experience to take the essential four-hour exam. In the event you or your friends want new job opportunities, Randstad is here to provide help Now, consider the skills shown in the work description. So if you would like an essay producing support that will ensue that you are pleased with each individual bit of creating you receive, then youll only want ProCustomWriting. Besides needing all the simple info, formatting a resume can be exceedingly tricky. Ideal custom writing service youll be able to rely on. If youre searching for completely free downloadable resume templates, look no more. Your satisfaction is guaranteed as you get to employ an aerospace resume writer to receive just what you desire. Our service, for example, only hires the top writers in the area. The writers of our resume services ansprechbar know that its important to compose a career profile t hats tailored to the kind of positions which youre seeking. Canada is the best country on the planet essay. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Manufacturing Job Resume Writing Service Is Wrong 8 business analyst resume secrets you must know. How to compose a very best website to obtain a research paper resume by staff. For instance, you can say used 3D printing technology, Or you are able to say implemented the usage of 3D technology leading to a 14% reduction in downtime. Lets start with a few fundamentals.